To celebrate Earth Day in April 2023, students of the Calvary Captain Witold Pilecki State University of Malopolska in Oświęcim in Poland were taught about Planetary Health issues using teaching material created by Girawa. The lessons were conducted for students aged between 22 and 25, of the University’s Masters degree in Nursing. They touched on two major issues that they contend with every day: climate change and mental well-being. The participants were very engaged in the lectures and the topics proved to be of great importance to them. See the gallery below for photos from the day.
Sylwia Bulik who conducted the classes commented: “They share their own experiences and commented on the scenarios displayed in the presentations. By means of interesting and eye-catching slides, we focused on climate change and possible solutions to the problem. We also discussed good mental health and whether nature can boost it or not. All in all, the students had very engaging discussions which wouldn’t probably take place without the help of Girawa! Thank you for sharing your significant activity with us!”
We would like to thank Sylwia for organising the day and teaching the nursing students, and her daughter Wiktoria Bulik for enabling the collaboration with Girawa.
It’s so important to integrate Planetary Health dimension into the health professionals practices. Congratulations team!