Make your voice heard before the COP27 summit
In 2022, we have experienced more record breaking temperatures and catastrophic weather events globally, emphasising that time is running out for urgent and meaningful action on climate change. Are you and your family concerned about the future due to the climate and ecological crisis? Perhaps you are already affected by climate change or the destruction of your local natural habitat. Do you want to send a message to world leaders ahead of the COP27 summit? Then this is your opportunity!
Following the success of our COP26 gallery in 2021, we are inviting you to contribute to a new online magazine and a short film with your messages to world leaders attending the COP27 summit. We want to showcase people’s concerns and those already affected by planetary health issues, the climate and ecological crisis across the world, and send a strong message to world leaders that time is running out for urgent and meaningful action on climate change. At the COP27 summit to be held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from 6th to 18th November 2022, world leaders must take drastic and lasting action immediately.
To contribute to the gallery, you can send us one of the following:
- A written article, image of a letter or a video message to world leaders detailing the action you want them to take.
- An article, photo or short video of your local area affected by climate change related issues such as rising sea levels, floods or wildfires.
- An image of a piece of artwork depicting the world you want to live in the future.
Articles can be submitted in docx, doc or txt.
Photos can be in jpeg, png, bmp or tiff format and no more than 5MB in size.
Videos can be in mp4, mpg or mov format and no more than 2 minutes long.
A caption with written text of up to 150 words can be included with each submission. Please also include your name and location.
Have a look at last year’s gallery here for inspiration.
Click on the button below to submit your entry. Thank you for taking part and adding your voice!